Optimize waste management. Maximize beneficial reuse.

BRM Acquires USA Gypsum, LLC
One of the largest drywall recyclers in the United States.
Over 20 Years of Innovation & Expertise
Beneficial Reuse Management (BRM) provides innovative, sustainability-focused resource recovery solutions for the agricultural, utility, and industrial end markets. Our beneficial reuse programs offer a cost-effective and eco-friendly approach to managing industrial by-products and waste streams.
By partnering with us, companies preserve landfill space, conserve natural resources, reduce CO2 emissions, and boost local economies. Leveraging our extensive material-science expertise, robust distribution network and value-added processing capabilities, we can guide you to determine the optimal use for reusable by-products based on your needs and goals.
Committed to Sustainability
The Benefits
Preserves landfill space
Conserves natural resources
Reduces CO2 emissions
Boosts local economy by lowering costs of construction
Generates savings and avoids expensive disposal costs
The Results
By-product material diverted from landfills
Material reused or recycled each year
States with licenses and permits
The Markets We Serve
We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet unique needs across a variety of markets.
Building Materials
Utility and Municipalities
Beneficial Reuse
In addition to identifying and supplying by-products in their natural state, we use our technology and material science expertise to leverage a network of permitted, state-of-the-art processing facilities strategically located across the Midwest and Northeast.
We can process up to 300,000 tons annually at four facilities, ensuring a steady stream of value-added products.
Our process converts high-volume non-hazardous waste streams into value-added sustainable materials.
For our value-added products, we focus on transforming materials into premium-grade soil amendments that can be used for many different applications.